Archives of Suicide Research

The Archives of Suicide Research, the official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research, is an international journal in the field devoted to suicide research. The journal has become renowned for reporting the most current and relevant aspects of suicide research, as well as defining the foundations of the field. The contributions in Archives represent the breadth of suicide research featuring original investigations from diverse perspective including psychiatry, psychology, neurobiology, epidemiology, genetics, and sociology. Manuscripts on methodological issues in suicide research are welcome.

In addition, the journal publishes select review articles. Although most articles use quantitative methods, those will qualitative methodology are also considered.

Review Process

The Journal Editorial Staff make an initial determination of whether the subject matter, scope and content of the manuscripts are suitable to ASR. If the manuscript is within the scope of the journal, it will be sent out for peer review. Authors will be informed of the decision regarding their manuscript’s status of publication as quickly as possible.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscript submission must be done through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system following the guidelines detailed on the Taylor & Francis ASR webpage

Visit the Journal website

Journal Editors

  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Rory O’Connor

If you have questions regarding the journal, please contact :

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