Presidential elections and Call for at-large members

Dr. Diana Clarke is the one candidate nominated to become President elect of the IASR. Please read her candidacy statement and submit your vote to let us know whether you approve her nomination here:

The voting system will close on August 1, 2023. Note only regular members in good standing (dues paid) are eligible to vote.

Please self-nominate or nominate another IASR member for the IASR Member-at-large position. The Board Member-at-large will serve on the IASR membership committee and carry out duties as agreed upon by the board and according to their personal interests and competencies. The IASR Board meets on zoom one time per month and the membership committee meets on zoom quarterly. If you interested in self nominating or nominating a candidate for the IASR Board Member-at-large position, please respond by submitting a brief letter of interest and qualifications to the

email address by August 1, 2023.

I look forward to seeing you in Barcelona. Please reach out to me at if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Best regards
Holly Wilcox,
President of the International Academy of Suicide Research

IASP/IASR Research Webinar – 13th April 2023 via Zoom

Dear Colleagues, 

The IASP team is delighted to extend an invite to the next IASP/IASR Research Webinar which will be held virtually on 13th April 2023 via Zoom. The webinar will be chaired by Dr Nii-Boye Emmanuel Quarshie.

The webinar will run for 90 minutes, starting 12.00 Midday, UK time.


The program schedule is as follows:

  1. Prof. Jason Bantjes, [Professor, Department of Global Health, Stellenbosch University] Topic:- Suicidal behavior as narrative disruption: The experiences of perinatal women admitted to hospital after non-fatal suicidal behaviour in South Africa.
  2. Dr A. Jess Williams, [Post -doctoral Researcher in the department of Informatics at King’s College London] Topic:- Exploring the perceived impact of Purrble and LGBTQ+ young people.
  3. Prof. Cathy Brennan, [Associate Professor in Psychological and Social Medicine, University of Leeds] Topic:- Using cohort data to explore gender differences in adolescent self-harm: lessons from the UK millennium Cohort study.


Register today


Registration is required. Once you have registered, the webinar link will be emailed to you.

Under the new joint banner ‘IASP/IASR Research Webinars’, only existing ICSPRC collaborators, IASP and IASR members will have access to ongoing recordings of these webinars.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

IASP Membership & Events

Whilst IASP is not a crisis centre and does not offer crisis support, as the global lead in suicide prevention, we share a resolve and responsibility to connect people in crisis to the help they want. Discussions of suicide can be overwhelming, if you are struggling and would like to seek further support, we encourage you to visit Find A Helpline where you can connect to helpline support near you.

IASP/IASR webinar – Feb 9, 2023

The IASP team is delighted to invite you to the next IASP/IASR webinar to be held virtually on 9th Feb 2023 via Zoom.


The webinar will run for 90 minutes, starting 12.00 Midday, UK time. The program schedule is as follows:

  • Dr Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Assoc. Professor Medical University of Vienna. “Media & Suicide: Research Update”.
  • Prof. Thilini Rajapakse, Revisiting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, on suicide and self-harm in Sri-Lanka.
  • Dr Duleeka Knipe, EBI Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow. University of Bristol. “Once you’ve opened that can of worms”: Understanding why liaison psychiatry staff are not asking about domestic violence following self-harm.

All IASR members have been sent a link to register for this event, which will take place via zoom

Registration is required. Once you have registered, the webinar link will be emailed to you.
Under the new joint banner ‘IASP/IASR Webinars’, only existing ICSPRC collaborators, IASP and IASR members will have access to ongoing recordings of these webinars.

AFSP/IASR Webinar Series – Concepts and Considerations in EMA Research for Suicide Prevention – June 30th 2022

June 30, 2022 – 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern US time (New York) – 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm London UK time
EMA–Ecological Momentary Assessment–is a method for research that involves repeated, real-time assessments of events or actions (eg, thoughts, emotions, behaviors) over a period of time in real-life settings. With advances in technology, EMA is increasingly used to study both ideation and behavior in suicide prevention research. This webinar will focus on key concepts and considerations when using EMA methods in suicide prevention research, such as decisions and methods related to using EMA, “real world” considerations, ethical/safety issues, and data analysis with EMA (including machine learning). Panelists will include:
  • Barbara Stanley, PhD, IASR/Columbia University
  • Randy Auerbach, PhD, Columbia University
  • Hanga Galfalvy, PhD, Columbia University
  • Matt Nock, PhD, Harvard University
  • Ewa Czyz, PhD, University of Michigan
Moderated by Dr. Stanley and Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, AFSP
About IASR/AFSP’s Research Training Courses: In 2020, IASR and AFSP began to provide new resources to the suicide prevention scientific community, with our Training Series for Early Career Researchers. We will continue to build our portfolio of resources for researchers, which can be accessed on the AFSP site here:
June 30, 202212:30 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern US time (New York)
Registration link: