Presidential elections and Call for at-large members

Dr. Diana Clarke is the one candidate nominated to become President elect of the IASR. Please read her candidacy statement and submit your vote to let us know whether you approve her nomination here:

The voting system will close on August 1, 2023. Note only regular members in good standing (dues paid) are eligible to vote.

Please self-nominate or nominate another IASR member for the IASR Member-at-large position. The Board Member-at-large will serve on the IASR membership committee and carry out duties as agreed upon by the board and according to their personal interests and competencies. The IASR Board meets on zoom one time per month and the membership committee meets on zoom quarterly. If you interested in self nominating or nominating a candidate for the IASR Board Member-at-large position, please respond by submitting a brief letter of interest and qualifications to the

email address by August 1, 2023.

I look forward to seeing you in Barcelona. Please reach out to me at if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Best regards
Holly Wilcox,
President of the International Academy of Suicide Research

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